Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hi All,

How r u doing now days?? Well its quiet amazing we passed almost very bad patch in last year with different financial crises. Most of peoples thought it will take at least 2-3 yrs to get on track, but they were wrong. As markets went down I predicted to gather cash for value buying & whoever did they are seating on huge profits. You might gonna ask me how?? Well my dear friend look around where we are..! Don't you think the world is become bit faster?? Look at speed the things are going on, everything is got awesome speed, a boost due to technology. In past decades to complete a task people were taking years & months, but now we do it within days n hours. How?? The answer is Technologies.
Well so like in real world every where is Speed, so in Virtual things too. And the same thing affected our markets. There is term in Economics called a Economic Cycle, which consists Two phases One is Down n another Up. But every cycle measured in Time Phase, like One Economic Cycle gets completed within 2 Yrs, 3Yrs. In ancient world it used to take decades (Even till 1st World War) n now we r heading to the world where everything is becoming Nano.
The same thing was got applied to the Economy & I got sure like Markets chasing each others to get down they absolutely forgot their assign time spans. So if the within very short period it could go down so it could go up is same speed? Yes my friend. If you will study the things happened you even earn good money with the flow. You juz bet on right horses.

In next session we will learn which markets are best & why??


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